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Retirement Ready: THIS Is the Key to a Happy Pension, Experts Claim

You dream of building a bright future with your family, you dream of seeing your kids finish their education and achieve their goals and ambitions. Last but not least, you dream of spending your life with your partner at peace.

But how can you do that if your financial goals clash with your spouse? How can you prepare your peaceful and blissful retirement together? Maybe it’s time to discuss these crucial topics together to prepare for a smooth retirement transition.


Inspect whether your checkbook and retirement funds can help support your living expenses

Before you end your career path, you need to check if you have enough combined retirement incomes to live a normal life. If the money supports your lifestyle, then you may sit back and relax since you can make your savings last. If not, then you need to tighten your budget or cut-back your expenses to live within your income.

Together, you should pay your debts first and then eliminate all liabilities that drain your retirement funds.

Move or Stay?

Since you can now do all you want when you retire, the thought of moving out must’ve crossed your mind at least once. If one of the spouses wants to move in a new place or countryside and has completely different perspectives from yours, then, your retirement goals might directly affect your savings funds since you’ll need extra cash to spend when moving to a new place.  

Try talking with your partner and decide how and where to spend your retirement days together to achieve a common goal. Do you want to sell your old house and buy a new one with age-friendly features? Or do you prefer to rent a condo unit since you’ll move out occasionally for your vacation trips? If the goal is the same, these things can be solved more easily without interfering in your retirement fund.

As a couple, you should decide on which Social Security to avail and get your future retirement benefits

Social Security

You need to contemplate your mortality rate and background regarding social security. Your family background can help determine whether to take a Social Security that extends to your 60s, or up to 70s.

Aside from that, you also need to consider your income range when claiming your benefits. Low-income earners should get their benefits early, while the partner with higher earnings can delay their application to earn retirement credits. You and your partner should make careful decisions in filing your claims benefits. Otherwise, one mistake might cost you the money of a lifetime.

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