Tips To Help Students And Graduates Pay Off Student Loans
If you borrowed money to pay for school, your first question might be how best to pay off your student loans. The short answer is that there’s no magic bullet, but there are definitely things you can do to make paying back education debt easier. Student loan debt reached an all-time high of $1.6 trillion in 2022, so you’re not alone.
A growing segment of the economy is devoted to helping Americans figure out how to pay off student debt, and there’s a lot to learn. Research states the average student has roughly $31,000 in debt after graduation. It is important to determine how much student debt you have prior to graduation. It can help you better understand the type of repayment plan you need to have. Below are a few ways to start paying off your student loans, even while you are still in college or a graduate.
Establish a college repayment fund
If you’re not sure how much more you can devote to your student loans every month, set up automatic transfers to separate savings accounts specifically for college debt. Transferring money automatically into savings is effective because you won’t be able to spend it on something nonessential like clothes or dining out.
Just set up a separate account to pay back your college debt. Don’t use a checking or savings account you already have because you might be tempted to use that money for something other than your student loans. Compare savings accounts and put your money in a high-yield savings account to maximize your returns.
Pay off student loans with the debt snowball
The debt snowball method has helped many people dump their debt, and it can also work for student loans. First, list all your loan debts; these may include private loans, secured loans, and unsecured loans, from smallest balance to largest. Start paying on the smallest student loan balance first. Throw any extra money you have into paying off that first debt while still paying the minimums on everything else.
Once you’ve paid off the first debt, move to the second-smallest balance. Take everything you were putting toward the first one and add it to the minimum of the second balance. Once that debt is paid, move on to the next one and repeat the process until you’re finally out of debt.
Refinance if you have good credit and a steady job
Refinancing student loans might help you pay off your debts quickly without incurring additional fees. Multiple student loans are consolidated into a single private loan, hopefully at a cheaper interest rate, through refinancing. To accelerate repayment, select a new loan term that is less than what remains on your existing debts. A shorter term may result in a higher monthly payment. However, it will expedite debt repayment and save you money on interest.
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